01-28-2014 4:33:26 PM EST

When I got home with my bees I called my mentor.  Much to my surprise he came right over to help me install my bees into their hive.  What a great guy!  I put on my bee suit for the second time.  The first time I put on my bee suit (which is entirely too big for me), was to embarrass my husband who had a friend over, by running out on my front porch with it on, dancing and singing,"I'm Sexy and I Know It".  They laughed.  Back to bees.  After my bees were installed my mentor offered for me to go to his bee field.  I was totally in.  We went through his hives.  He showed me the difference between drones, queens and workers.  I got to examine the different cell sizes.  I can still be fooled between a drone and a queen cell.  I'll get better.  My first day with the bees was such a huge learning experience.  I gained so much confidence.  My queen released herself and all appeared well at first.  There was brood layed.  One day I went to inspect the bees and could not find my queen.  I could not find any new brood.  I called my mentor and told him what I found.  My mentor again came right over, he looked at my bees and told me that I needed a new queen indeed and fast.  We went to his bee field where he picked out two frames with queen cells.  He was glad to have caught the cells before he had a swarm and I was glad that my investment was not about to disappear.  The cell hatched successfully and I was back in business.  Thank you Mr. Mentor.

If you are looking into getting bees, don't go at it alone.  All the literature I read could not have taught me what I learned hands on.  I strongly encourage you to find a beekeeping association near you and join.



01-23-2014 8:20:47 PM EST

When I decided that I was done putting off my want for bees I set out to learn more about beekeeping.  I tried to pick the brain of people whom I thought would be able to help.  Most people I asked would refer me to literature.  I had so many pamplets to read I could have wallpapered the bathroom with them.  What was my biggest help was joining the Knox County Beekeepers Association.  I attened one meeting before my bees arrived.  At the first meeting I was able to see some of the equipment and ask questions about where to place my bees.  Then my bees arrived.  I gained a bee mentor through the KCBA.  The day came to go pick up my package bees.  I had ordered a marked queen.  Everyone was standing around these bee boxes, bees flying everywhere, not wearing any protection.  I have to admit that I was a little nervous picking up my first bee box.  Some of the older gentlemen offered to carry my bees to my truck.  I told them that I had to do it for myself sooner or later, so now was the best time.  Then I got to my truck.  Were there really as many people watching me as I thought?  My new delima, bees in the cab, or bees in the bed?  I caught a young boy who appeared comfortable in the enviroment.  He assured me that it was warm enough and bees in the bed were O.K.  Home to Luttrell I went.  Not stopping for gas or bathroom for the 1hr 20min. drive.  I was scared that if I stopped I would get someone stung.